2022-02-03 1:19 AM
We’d like to integrate 3.5" TFT Display (320x480) to the B-U585I-IOT02A Discovery kit – We’re open to suggestions in that regard. One possible option is HXD8357D.
Correct if I'm wrong, integrating it to the Discovery Kit is possible via SPI interface - Since there is no 8-bit parallel LCD interface on the Discovery Kit.
We need to keep the resolution and dimensions the same in the PoC as the end product i.e 3.5" TFT Display (320x480) - keeping that in view:
Looking forward to your response,
Thanks in advance,
2023-12-31 8:30 PM
Any luck with this? I want to add the Arduino Shield from Adafruit, or the display from Elegoo, but neither have a good tutorial that fits the B-U585I-IOT02A