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In the STM32H750VB with the LQFP100 footprint, I cannot find a way to connect LCD_R0.


This is mapped to PH2, PI15 or PG13. Those pins don't exist in this footprint. I might be wrong but this peripheral is supported by this IC. Any other LCD_Rx, or LCD_Gx and LCD_Bx are mapped into a pin that exits, but not LCD_R0. Can you show me where should I connect it?


Perhaps you're just going to have to lose a low order bit, and connect LCD_R1 to R0 and R1 of display, or just ground R0

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That could actually solve the problem. But it should exist that pin.

Thank you Clive.

That's why they have packages with more pins.

The pin escape and muxing options has long been an area of difficulty, and had choices that might have been better thought through.

External memory and LCD interfaces are huge pin hogs.

I'd wait for a DSI capable version. Or push for a 144-pin LQFP if you processes don't permit a UFBGA, I suspect one of the goals was the small package sizes.

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Andreas Bolsch
Lead II

For the LQFP100 package, only RGB565 and RGB666 are usable, and all these 16 or 18 signals are actually available. The RGB888 format is simply not available in this package.

Check CubeMX settings, only RGB565 and RGB666 are offered ...