2018-07-13 10:48 AM
I'm a beginner; i want to use STM32F767ZI board to connect it to an TFT-LCD 10,1' display with capacitive touchscreen like this
.First if is possible i want to know a link that explain to me the protocol that i need to be connected to an LVDS-display.
I read stm32 (not completly) doc en.STM32F7_Peripheral_LTDC.pdf and en.DM00287603.pdf(AN4861).
In this doc i find that LTDC give out data in parallel mode:
* if i want to connect to an LVDS dispaly i need a chip to translate the information?
#ltdc-to-lvds-display?2018-07-15 3:59 PM
wow that is so expensive... and not Mipi, so I think you are barking up the wrong tree there...
check this brand:
LVDS is easy to use but be careful with track layout, its 6/8channels x 300MHz or there abouts...
do you need a super active display ?
you can go a little bit slow with this one : Also not Mipi.
this is your selected display: how many LVDS channels ? 4+clock
now check the processor:
The DSI Host is a dedicated peripheral for interfacing with MIPI® DSI compliant displays. <- your issue
? Maximum resolution of 800x480 pixels:
? Maximum resolution is limited by available DSI physical link bandwidth:? Number of lanes: 2 (You need 5 channels for LVDS...)? Maximum speed per lane: 500 Mbps1Gbps2018-10-02 4:46 AM
Hello, I want to use the same STM32 MCU to controll a TFT with LVDS interface, so I don't know how I should connect the TFT pins into the MCU.
There are a MCU that have a LVDS pins that connect directly with TFT or I need a Converter of LVDS to RGB connector to connect the TFT to RGB pins in order to use LTDC library?
I put here the datasheet of TFT: https://eu.mouser.com/datasheet/2/271/Microtips%20Technology-8-28-2017-MTD0801PZL%20spec1-1181493.pdf
2018-10-02 9:59 PM
This is an LVDS display,you need a RA8877 chip, or something like it.
60MHz pixel clock will be ok.
2018-10-08 11:43 PM
Use a RGB interface TFT or add a RGB to LVDS chip. EXP. TI DS90C385
2018-11-08 8:53 AM
I use a RGB to LVDS conversor, but i have an other question, I want to use the BSP library from STM32F429 discovery which have a tft. So the BSP use the code of the ili9341 (ili9341.h/ili9341.c) device, I know I should rewrite the part where are the specification of the tft default. But I don't know if I should rewrite the rest of the code (Level 1 command, etc). I don't know if this part of code it is used by BSP library or what is his funcion in the code.
2020-01-13 4:02 AM
@MSanc.14 @Andrea Dall'Era
Did you ever get this RGB to LVDS circuit working ?
Can you share your findings ?
Regards, Richard.
2020-04-14 1:42 AM
at this time i stop to work on it, i have no idea when i restart