2019-08-07 5:35 AM
Recently I started programming on STM32 board for better understanding I am using Direct register access Method.
I tried programming but Nothing is displaying IN LCD.
Can I get a program(without cubeMX) only for Writing one character on LCD 16x2.
2019-08-07 6:05 AM
Most people use 4-bit mode, it uses less pins.
Implementation will depend on pin choices. Not provided.
Use oscilloscope to debug your signalling.
While direct register can expand understanding, it is useful to start with some understanding. Not everyone is interested in posting such examples, find some SPL or HAL examples, see them work, and review the mechanics, and then apply to your end goal.
2019-08-07 10:32 AM
Thank You for the reply .
Definitely further i will work on HAL library.
Is there any simulator so that at first I can check in software simulator as I don't have JTAG (Hardware Debugger) at present because My Kiel IDE is limiting the memory to 32K.
2019-08-07 10:50 AM
I don't think driving a 16x2 display will take anything close to 32KB
Keil has pretty much abandoned their simulator. Perhaps Proteus? The NUCLEO and DISCO boards have debug hardware, start at just below $10 USD
2019-08-07 10:58 AM
In Kiel uVision every time I have to MAP the memory and give permission to read write and execute then only it writes or executes the instruction in software simulation.
Any solution for this?
2019-08-07 12:38 PM
Yes, use real hardware. Error 65 basically indicates you're trying to access a peripheral which isn't simulated.
Keil abandoned the simulator after the STM32F1, basically the only people using it were non-paying customers, and you can't really sustain a business with them.