2020-11-20 6:24 AM
Firstly, apologies if this in the incorrect section as this is specifically about CubeIDE. I am attempting to use the touchGFX designer in conjunction with CubeIDE. Once I have generated the necessary screens, buttons etc. with TouchGFX designer, I hit "generate code" and it provides me with a bunch of folders, an .ioc and various project files for different IDEs.
I go in to the folder that is generated for STM32CubeIDE and load up the .cproject file.
If I then build/compile this project in the cubeIDE, it is successful but then I get repeats of folders (they added by the build process) and also, files that are not present in the workspace, but ARE present in the touchGFX folder can be detected. For example, there is no Core / Inc and Src folders in the IDE workspace but they ARE in the folders generated by TouchGFX and the CubeIDE knwo this, so any references to "main.h" will be found by the IDE despite it not being directly in the workspace. Here are some images to help illustrate:
No Core / Inc and Src in the IDE workspace and some repeated folders
But it is in the TouchGFX folder and the IDE can find it no problem when it is referenced.
Now my questions, how does the IDE know where these folders are as it compiles correctly? If I want to change main.c/.h I have to go out of the IDE, locate the file and then change it in a text editor, refresh the project and then build (or shortcut Ctl + click where the reference in the code is). What is it that I am doing wrong? How should I be importing projects generated by touchGFX if not opening the specific project file for the specific IDE? If I open just .ioc file that is present and generate a separate project using CubeMX then the touchGFX configs are lost and I get a blank screen.
Any help would be great, as I'm clearly not opening the generated code correctly and I'm sure this is a simple fix. Thanks
2024-10-15 10:52 AM
I agree, but that doesn't help my situation.
I have done projects with many custom boards. I am currently working on a feasibility project, so the Stm32F46-Discovery kit was a good candidate for that. I was hoping it would be straight forward, but it is not. I ran into similar issues 4 or 5 years ago and was hoping these kinds of problems would have been resolved, but they haven't.