2020-09-13 08:03 AM
I have build application using TouchGFX and STM32F746 based on kit STM32F746G from ST.
Because in my screen, i have some data setting when screen startup, so i want to these data don't lost when power off, it look like i can save data in eeprom of STM32F746,
I have test with example in folder STM32CUBE but it not success.
last time i can using flash of STM32F103C8 for eeprom, but on STM32F746 it using TouchGFX and area of Flash very different with STM32F103C8, so i don't know what should i do.
Anyone can help me for this case?
Size of Data i want to save it about 100-200 byte.
Thanks and best regards.
Solved! Go to Solution.
2020-09-13 11:40 PM
The embedded external Flash is a QuadSPI Flash memory configured in Memory Mapped Mode. Therefore, you can only read from it.
In order to write to the Flash, you need to momentarily remove the memory mapped mode, write your data and turn back on the memory mapped mode.
To allocate an area reserved for your data, you can change the linker file (.ld for CubeIDE, .sct for Keil and .icf for IAR) and modify the start address of the QuadSPI Flash for instance, so that TouchGFX does not put anything at this specific memory area.
2020-09-13 11:40 PM
The embedded external Flash is a QuadSPI Flash memory configured in Memory Mapped Mode. Therefore, you can only read from it.
In order to write to the Flash, you need to momentarily remove the memory mapped mode, write your data and turn back on the memory mapped mode.
To allocate an area reserved for your data, you can change the linker file (.ld for CubeIDE, .sct for Keil and .icf for IAR) and modify the start address of the QuadSPI Flash for instance, so that TouchGFX does not put anything at this specific memory area.
2020-09-15 09:00 AM
Thanks for your respond.
That means the best way, i should add more eeprom ic external to save some data i need to save when power off. Because i don't want to change anything memory area these related to touchGFX.
Thanks and best regards.