2013-04-05 3:35 AM
First hello to all,
I am a proud new owner of my first stm32f4 discovery (stm32f407vgt6)i have bourght a tft lcd screen that uses the ILI9320 display driver and i have been all over the net looking for help and hints to get them to work together as a basic start i would love to get the classic ''Hello Word '' to display. Is there a library i should use for this display driver ??I am using Keil 4.60.Please help. #lcd #stm32f4 #tft #ili93202013-04-06 2:34 AM
tihinking about changing to the ssd1963 seem to be a lot better/easier to work with and with more info on the web.
on a side note does anybody have issues with the embedded ui library editor from si when i add a graph i am not able to move it and it has a padlock symbol on the top right corner is this normal??2013-04-12 11:17 AM
Hi David. Is it an HY32D TFT? I found a nice library on Github. This one ..
2013-04-13 7:02 AM
If you find a library and example code for your display on the F4 discovery, this might be fine.
However, getting such a TFT driver working from scratch (or code fragments), probably with handmade hardware, is definitly no project for a newbie. That would become really frustrating, just look for some similiar threads here.