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Help connecting TouchGFX GUI with STM32F746 hardware


Hello everyone,
I am using a STM32f746 DISCO eval board. I am still trying to learn about this board but I have already done some small programs to get a feel for it and make sure that I can flash STM32CubeIDE and TouchGFX programs on it. Which I done successfully. However, I can't seem to figure out how to connect the two. I've tried watching some videos but I would like more direct help.


Goal: I have a CubeIDE program that sends a command through serial6/uart6 when the blue user button is pressed but the GUI remains pure white. I have a touchgfx program that has the button to press and can show up on the screen but does nothing with ports. I want the button on the screen to send my serial command instead of the user button on the board. How do I put everything together? Having trouble getting the generated code to the cubeide.