2020-07-20 1:01 AM
2020-07-20 1:02 AM
I want to know how to make qwerty keypad to react to the hardware button.. please anyone support me
2020-07-20 2:25 AM
Could you be more precise ?
You want to be able to type on a qwerty keyboard and what you write is displayed on the screen right ?
But what board are you using ? You want to plug a qwerty keyboard to your board ?
You can look at this documentation page as a start : https://support.touchgfx.com/docs/development/board-bring-up/example-gpio
Please provide more information.
2020-07-20 2:47 AM
Yes I'm able to type on qwerty keyboard with touch and its displaying on the screen.
As a start I went through that document also and I also integrated the physical button, now I am not getting how to make qwerty keyboard to react to the hardware button as i want to operate the qwerty keyboard using joystick buttons not with touch.
STM32H743I-eval board we are using.
2020-07-20 2:49 AM
I'm not getting the logic to make qwerty keypad to react to those buttons.......
Using those buttons I wanted to type on the qwerty keyboard and need to display that.
2020-07-20 4:09 AM
You will find examples available at this page. It will show you how to propagate the buttonController data to the GUI and use it.
2020-07-20 4:22 AM
I already went through this and also I have created tasks and hardware button is working fine.
But help me to operate qwerty keyboard using buttons.
2020-07-20 4:37 AM
I have written like this
2020-07-20 4:38 AM
uint8_t msg = 0;
if (xQueueReceive(gui_msg_q, &msg, 0) == pdTRUE)
// Queue is used as a flag, so don't check msg.
// Full = PRESSED, Empty = Do nothing.
2020-07-20 4:39 AM
void MainView::getBuffer() // add
how to use the custom keyboard function over here to operate using button