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glitch on Scrollable Container with list layout

Senior II

Hi everybody,

I have some screens where is present a scrollable container and listLayout like child to generale a scrollable list (in other words a vertical menu) (see the video).

Everytime I scroll Up e Down the container a glitch compare in the middle of screen like a horizontal black line.

The project has a lot of screen but I don't have any other problems with transictions or other objects.

Only with scroll container in every page their are present..

I'm using a custom board with an STM32H743VIT6 and a 16bit RGB display. connected on LTDC.

(all graphic assets are placed into an external QSPI memory )

I tried to disable DMA2D, Dcache, I change the clock of LTDC  but without success.


Does someone has some ideas? some suggestion?

Thanks in advance