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getXY/setXY relative to the center of an image/TextureMapper

Associate III

Is there a way to get/set the coordinate of an image or a Texture Mapper realtive to its center?

I think one suitable idea I have is to overload the class with new methods called like getXYcenter where I get the X coordinate and add half of the width (the same with Y and heigh)

On the other hand, setXYcenter would take the X coordinate and use setX minus half of the width (the same with Y and heigh)

Does it make sense? Or are there something already implemented?


Accepted Solutions
ST Employee

Hello @nico23 ,


"getCenterX() returns the same value of.getCenterX()" you typed the same function twice here.


I have tested and subDemoIcon.getWidth() returns 92 :




"It seem that setCenterXY doesn't actually draw the image" indeed, you do not invalidate the widget and I don't think setX and setY redraw the widget by default.
Try adding subDemoIcon.invalidate();.


Overall, you seems to make things more complicated than they have to be.
You take an example of a demo using a custom container inside a custom container inside a scrollWheel.
The logic works for sure.



Gaetan Godart
Software engineer at ST (TouchGFX)

View solution in original post

ST Employee

Hello @nico23 ,


There is indeed no way to get the center of the image.
The proper way is what you suggest: getX() + getWidth()/2

Associate III

I've tried using the Wheel menù demo you provide with the circular display.

I've set the new functions in the hpp file



#include <gui_generated/containers/MainWheelIconBase.hpp>

class MainWheelIcon : public MainWheelIconBase
    void setCenterXY(int16_t x, int16_t y);
    int16_t getCenterX() const;
    int16_t getCenterY() const;



and in the cpp



void MainWheelIcon::setCenterXY(int16_t x, int16_t y)
    subDemoIcon.setX(x - static_cast<int16_t>(subDemoIcon.getWidth() / 2));
    subDemoIcon.setY(y - static_cast<int16_t>(subDemoIcon.getHeight() / 2));

int16_t MainWheelIcon::getCenterX() const
    return (subDemoIcon.getX() + static_cast<int16_t>(subDemoIcon.getWidth() / 2));

int16_t MainWheelIcon::getCenterY() const
    return (subDemoIcon.getY() + static_cast<int16_t>(subDemoIcon.getHeight() / 2));



Now if I set the position with .setXY().getCenterX() returns the same value of.getX(). I'm sure getWidth() is not 0

It seem that setCenterXY doesn't actually draw the image

ST Employee

Hello @nico23 ,


"getCenterX() returns the same value of.getCenterX()" you typed the same function twice here.


I have tested and subDemoIcon.getWidth() returns 92 :




"It seem that setCenterXY doesn't actually draw the image" indeed, you do not invalidate the widget and I don't think setX and setY redraw the widget by default.
Try adding subDemoIcon.invalidate();.


Overall, you seems to make things more complicated than they have to be.
You take an example of a demo using a custom container inside a custom container inside a scrollWheel.
The logic works for sure.



Gaetan Godart
Software engineer at ST (TouchGFX)
ST Employee

Hello @nico23 ,


Have you been able to move forward with your project?

If my last comment helped you solve your issue, I invite you to select it as "best answer".

If you are still encountering problems, I invite you to give me more information so I can help you.



Gaetan Godart
Software engineer at ST (TouchGFX)