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External Loader - Unknown .stldr file

Associate III

Hi everyone. 

I am working on STM32G0B0 MCU and develop UI with touchGFX. I researched how to generate external loader for external NOR FLASH(MX25L6433F). 

I use SPI2 on MCU(SMT32G0B0). And edited relevant files. 

I applied all of steps on following links:

Like W25Q FLASH Memory || Part 9 || External Loader in SPI Mode (

Like External loaders for SPI flash: a "standard" version (

I separately tested it. But xxx.stldr file is not working. STM32CubeProgrammer is unknown my STLDR file. 


I build without any problem. I checked that makefile under debug folder. There is an error that:


	@echo 'Error: Cannot find the specified linker script. Check the linker settings in the build configuration.'
	@exit 2

	@echo 'Warning: No linker script specified. Check the linker settings in the build configuration.'

.PHONY: all clean dependents main-build fail-specified-linker-script-missing warn-no-linker-script-specified post-build



Could you help me about this problem. Is there more easy way to generate custom external loader?


Accepted Solutions

I ended up building and posting this

The code basis here should be able to support builds for Winbond W25 and Macronix MX25 parts from 16 Mbit to 2 Gbit, just need to recompile

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View solution in original post


>>Is there more easy way to generate custom external loader?

Well I'm just using GCC+MAKE to build a small HAL based project.

This is a Linker Script for a G4, but should be viable for a G0

The empty fields in STM32 Cube Programmer is indicative that the StorageInfo structure has not been built/bound correctly.

You could look at the .MAP and perhaps inspect with objcopy or objdump


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Missed the cite

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I ended up building and posting this

The code basis here should be able to support builds for Winbond W25 and Macronix MX25 parts from 16 Mbit to 2 Gbit, just need to recompile

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Associate III

Thank you so much @Tesla DeLorean.