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external loader - more infoes needed about CudeIDE and CubeProgrammer

Senior II

Hi guys,

I developped an external loader that allow to write/read all pictures into/from my external QSPI memory. This external loader works good with stm32CubeIde but it doesn't work with stm32CubeProgrammer.

Whien I'm programming the microcontroller with IDE, the loader transfer the new graphic contents on the external memory without any error and the entire project works correctly.

In CubeProgrammer, I selected my custom Loader:

0693W00000Dn3ELQAZ.jpgand the hex file compiled by Stm32CubeIDE.

When I press "start programming" i get the follwing error:

0693W00000Dn3FiQAJ.jpgMust I change some parameter into stm32Cubeide for generated "*.hex" file?

When you use ExternalLoader, What's the difference between CubeIDE and CubeProgrammer?

The scope is to load Into the CubeProgammer a single completed file to program the microcontroller Application and the Graphic resources with only one step and one programmer.

Making some test I was thinking that I need to export two different "*.BIN" files from the project:

  • How can I program both of them with one single step?
  • How can I split in the right mode (with the right start address) the originals *.elf or *hex file?

Thanks to all

Best regards


>>When you use ExternalLoader, What's the difference between CubeIDE and CubeProgrammer?

The different tools, and GUI / CLI versions, should operate consistently, but they generally all have different quirks and are poorly tested.

You shouldn't need to fiddle with the .HEX or .ELF files, the code should be able to differentiate between internal and external memories.

Are you using 4K, 32KB or 64KB erase sectors? Are those completing quickly? The call-in proves a span, you could optimize the use of different erase sizes to get that done quickly.

You should be able to output diagnostic info via a UART, in the past I've instrumented the call-ins to show the interactions, and addresses,sizes, etc, as well as entry / exit points.

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