2019-07-18 10:22 AM
I have a STM32F769I-DISCO (Discovery board with LCD board) with the OEM firmware unchanged. I removed the LCD board and plugged in my B-LCDAD-HDMI1 (MB1232) board.
What should I expect to see on a monitor?
I've tried three different ones and it seems there's no signal out of the B-LCDAD-HDMI1.
If this is as expected, then what pre-built HEX file should I put on the DISC0 board so that I can test if my B-LCDAD-HDMI1 is defective or not?
Or is there some hardware difference between the DISCO (DISC0) and DISC1 variants that must be corrected first, (explained where, please)?
2019-07-18 11:31 AM
You need a different build that understands it is talking to the ADV7533, via USE_LCD_HDMI define, code for screen and ADV7533 under BSP directories.
2019-07-27 12:58 PM
I'm trying to back up what came shipped on the STM32F769I-DISCO (because that's not something I can download anywhere, right? If wrong, then where can I download the firmware that ships on the STM32F769I-DISC1 and save me from having to build it?)
When I try to compare the .HEX file that ST-Link Utility 4.5.0 previously created from saving the contents of QSPI, ST-Link Utility puts up a progress dialog that reads "Creating new grid ... Please wait..." for about 20 minutes with a CPU core pegged at 100% after which it reports "Out of memory" (but Windows ain't -- it's at 71%) and crashes. I don't seem to have any way to check if this is a reported problem yet or not.
Some more details. If I only save the first Size: 0x1000 or Size: 0x10000 to a file, then compare operation works fine. At Size: 0x100000, it fills the Target memory (left) pane with totally incorrect data and reports everything as being different than the opened file. I guess things just get worse from there. The size of all the qspi data on my board is 0x34B38E0, 55 times larger still.
2019-07-27 2:04 PM
The DISCO and DISC1 come with the same firmware images as far as I know.
Save a copy of the internal and QSPI flash devices for your own needs.
I think I've posted .HEX files in the past, and there are some in the HAL demo trees for the board, look through the CubeF7 archive.
2019-07-31 10:15 AM
Okay, I guessed a few projects that seemed to involve the ADV7533 but failed. Support answered my same question to them and they pointed me to:
After doing as you and they said (add pre-processor USE_LCD_HDMI and file adv7533.c) I got firmware that gave me a video signal out of the B-LCDAD-HDMI1. Yay!
Thanks for all the help,
Part of my confusion was mistakenly thinking that the -DISC1 variant came with a B-LCDAD-HDMI1 included (Doh!), and consequently I imagined that the out-of-box firmware on the -DISC1 surely must be all I was needing to test my B-LCDAD-HDMI1. My apologies.
2019-07-31 10:33 AM
No worries, I just think the difference is no one plugs in and mounts a screen at that step of the process. The HDMI and RPi LCD connector options are sold/boxed separately. I think the screens are also available as separate items, as they will plug into some of the EVAL board.
There was supposed to be an Arduino OTTO-STAR board that would have the plug on it also.