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Debugging ligature font problems

Associate II


I know this has been discussed before and the problem is usually related to the font type used.

My problem is that there are certain ligatures in Arabic that don't seem to work when running the TouchGFX simulator. For instance, جهاز renders ok but لجهاز  renders هاز. So I end up missing two characters. The glyphs for these characters in their ligature form exists within the font and there doesn't seem to be a problem when I use the arabtype font. So the real question is, what is the best way to debug this and how can I solve it? The font I have is not free. I had to purchase it and hence I need to get it to work :tired_face:

Any help would be appreciated!


ST Employee


The text and font converter have been improved in TouchGFX 4.17 (don't know all the details :grinning_face_with_sweat:), could you try to see if this helps in your case ?


Associate II

Hi @Romain DIELEMAN​ ,

Thank you for the reply.

I have installed 4.17 but unfortunately, the simulator refuses to run. I get font-related errors now.

The table fone cpp files are now defining an extern const which is not defined anywhere else in the code.

For instance, Table_AvenirNextWorld_REgular_otf_40_4bpp.cpp now with 4.17 has got an extra line

extern const touchgfx::FontContextualFormsTable AvenirNextWorld_Regular_otf_contextualFormsTable;

The linker does not like that simply because it can't find it.

Are you able to tell me where the original const need to be defined?




The contextualFormsTable variable should be defined in one of the Table_xx.cpp files. it is shared between typographies using the same ttf in different sizes or bpp. What you could try is to delete the /generated folder and generate code again.

Do you face the same issue with other fonts or is it just with AvenirNextWorld_Regular ?


Associate II


I have tried deleting the generated folder before and that didn't work.

However, I just had a look at the typography section and noticed that there are two typographies that are not being used (0 uses). I deleted them and to my surprise that did the trick.

The other good news is that the problem I reported in my first post doesn't seem to be present in 4.17. The update came just at the right time :beaming_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Good to hear that it works :thumbs_up:

I am still a bit intrigued by the two unused typographies that caused issues so if you face it again please share it with some screenshots, I'll try to replicate it on my side as well.
