2022-10-05 9:22 PM
Also is there any way to use the examples as is and configure them to work on our board?
2022-10-14 9:09 AM
The CubeIDE/MX should be able to auto-generate some for any board using boiler-plate. I'd probably review an port / merge the Examples I was particularly interested in. There is also plenty of code, examples, BSP driver code within CubeH7. Use a File Manager, browse what's actually available. The more you diverse from the reference designs, and reference parts, the more you and your team get to own.
Expect to have to do some work, you won't be disappointed..
2022-10-24 4:54 AM
Hello ATank.1,
I recommend you to use STM32CubeMX and start your project from there. Then you will need to include TouchGFX component and that will allows you to design your app. We have a video on our Youtube channel that explains it very well, I invite you to have a look at it ;)
Tell me if you don't succeed on it, and I'll try to guide you more.