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Can I put on a STM32H743ZIT6 a simple web browser to be used with the LCD Display?


Is it possible to show existing web page on lcd? On custom board I have RAM, QSPI memory, WIFI module.

ST Employee

Trying to implement a web browser on an embedded system is rarely a good idea. If it were just pure HTML, it might still be conceivable, but very few websites are currently created in this pure form.

You can see how huge the demands on a web browser are by looking at the versions for mobile systems: very few can manage with less than 100MBytes just for the binary code, not to mention the RAM required to render the data to be displayed.

Maybe there is a better solution if you change the task?

But I am curious to see what other users in the community have to contribute.



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@Peter BENSCH​  Thanks for reply. Website is already created and I need to display it on my LCD. Now I'm trying to create GUI and configure MODBUS for communication with other controller and there is a lot of work so trying to find easiest way. But if there is the way to display website on my LCD it would be amazing.😀

Chief II

If someone can even think that rendering a web page on an MCU can be even remotely easy, it just shows that the person has absolutely no clue of how super inefficient and bloated the web technologies are by design!

Pavel A.
Evangelist III

Well it depends on exact functionality needed from the web site, and capability of the network connection.

​For example, you can render the website on a remote cloud server and get the result as a picture. or just drive the remote machine via VNC.

Of course, but then for an MCU it's a VNC client, not a web page.

Some solution always can be found. With enough motivation.