2019-10-09 12:14 AM
Is it possible to avoid using snprintf in TouchGFX. Is there any alternate method available to copy values in the buffer and display it without using snprintf.
2019-10-09 12:27 AM
I'm assuming you mean Unicode::snprintf() (which is a TouchGFX function). Why don't you want to use it?
2019-10-09 12:42 AM
Hi Martin,
Yes Unicode::snprintf(). I don't want to use that because snprintf uses dynamic memory allocation. There might be changes for creating memory fragmentation right? also due to performance issues.
2019-12-05 7:37 PM
did you ever get an answer? I have a similar question. For other embedded applications with limited processor power I used a simple int-to-string function. I was displaying a lot of fast-changing numeric data and the library functions were too inefficient and big.
2019-12-05 8:52 PM
No, I didn't get an answer yet.
2019-12-05 10:34 PM
For a limited number of types or options, it would make sense to write the binary-to-string conversion functions yourself.
2019-12-05 11:58 PM
I stated in my original post that Unicode::snprintf is a touchgfx function. We use no dynamic allocation.