2025-01-30 9:10 AM
Hi all,
we're facing some issues with the STM32F469IDISCOVERY board. Sometimes the display seems to be freezing. I started a debug session yesterday and found out that during this error the ft6x06_TS_GetXY function gets called without touching the display. If the error doesn't occur we can see that the ft6x06_TS_DetectTouch function is called frequently to poll for new touch events, right? Only if there is an event the GetXY function is called to get the proper coodinates for the touch event.
This is why I think that during the error state multiple touch events get rocognized without a real touch event.
Our STM32F469IDISCOVERY board uses the FT6336G touch controller. Is the ft6x06 driver still the newest driver for this controller or is there an alternative (if I create a new TouchGFX project with TouchGFX Designer this driver is also loaded).
Are there any solutions for this behaviour? Thanks.
2025-02-18 1:55 AM
Hello @Julian_ ,
I have looked at the video and I reproduced the issue.
But the issue only happens when you increase the size of the swipe container, if you keep it as intended it works fine.
Also, I do not see/experience ghost touch on my project.
2025-02-18 9:42 AM
Alright, I will check this in the next few days. I don't know why the increasing of the Touch Area (in TouchGFX Designer) should be the cause of this issue.
Is there a way to reset the Touch Controller during runtime to handle this error?
Thanks and kind regards,
2025-02-19 1:01 AM
Hello @Julian_ ,
Perhaps it happens because when we increase the size of the swipe container, the swipe container becomes bigger than the assets we use for it.
"Is there a way to reset the Touch Controller during runtime to handle this error?"
I assume you mean the ghost touch, because it won't affect the swipe container's behavior.
I am not sure how to do that, I will get more information.
In the meantime, you could 2 things.
I have not seen a method to de init the touch controller :
You could either create a de-init method and call it SDL2TouchController :
Or you could try to de init the SPI that is used for it, then re init the SPI and the touch controller.
I will come back to you when I know more.
2025-02-20 11:11 AM
"Perhaps it happens because when we increase the size of the swipe container, the swipe container becomes bigger than the assets we use for it." - so if we increase all the assets the error should not occure, right? Is there a test/sample project for the stm32f469 disco board I can run without any changes to verify the touch behaviour?
""Is there a way to reset the Touch Controller during runtime to handle this error?"
I assume you mean the ghost touch, because it won't affect the swipe container's behavior." -> Right, we're trying to find a workaround for the issue. E.g. reset the touch controller if there are ghost touches.
Thanks for providing the more detailed info about some possible workarounds to reset (deinit and reinit) the touch controller. I will have a look over this in the next days.
Would be nice if you if you keep me updated.
2025-02-21 4:44 AM
Hello @Julian_ ,
I don't know it increasing the image size would fix that. The demo was designed with a specific resolution in mind, perhaps there is code referencing that resolution.
That doesn't change anything for you to test.
You can import any GUI (demo or example) to test your touch.
Perhaps you can test your ghost touch on the swipe container example without increasing the example's size.