2013-09-19 1:05 PM
I am trying to develop a board that would use the STM32F407VGT6. I want to use the discovery board to mock it up. I am wondering if anyone knows if I can map 2 cameras and an SD card to the board. I only plan on using one camera at a time interfacing with the SD card I just noticed on the pin out for this particular chip it looked like it may be near impossible could some one give me some feed back as to away I am maybe over looking. As of now my idea was to flip form the alternate functions for of one set of pins that interface with the DCMI another for the cameras. Then Have the SDIO mapped to another set. But so far that looks bleak. Thanks
#dcmi-stm32f4-sicovery-camera2013-09-19 1:20 PM
The STM32F4DIS-BB board has a DCMI Camera and MicroSD card socket.
There is potentially some conflict with the DCMI D2/D3 pins with components on the Discovery board, you may remove these part(s), find a different break-out card for the STM32 or one of the many cheap solutions on eBay, etc. I've personally wired MicroSD sockets to STM32F4-Discovery boards, but haven't played with cameras. The 100-pin STM32F4 is highly constraining, other than it's cheapness and on-board ST-LINK there are probably better solutions. I'm waiting to see what the STM32F429I-DISCOVERY board looks like. If you can find a breakout board with a 144 or 176 pin device that would be preferable.