2013-07-23 10:54 PM
From the ST website, I came to know about new additions to the STM32F4 family. These are
39 series MCUs. Their data brief tells that they have LCD-TFT controller and Chrom-ART Accelerator. These are highly valuable features for my project which is in initial Design phase.My problems are:
The STM32F4 reference manual should now have details of the above mentioned peripherals, just like it details all other peripherals. Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to be the case.
Is there any development board featuring one of these new exciting micros? Is any board coming soon? (Preferably a low cost one like Discovery boards)
Leading suppliers like farnell and digikey don't have any parts of this series in their listing.
Are these parts selling in market? if no, when they are expected?
Any help regarding these problems will be appreciated.
Thanks in anticipation. #stm32f429 #lcd-tft #discovery2013-07-24 2:56 AM
Dear Ahmed,
39 series MCU are not yet in production for Mass Market and all customers World Wide. We are sampling our OEMs and big customers at the moment only. Full documentation including : datasheets, reference manual and Firmware/Software will come later this Year when we fully announce the product. If you are interested with that devices, you need to contact your local ST representatives or Distributors for the timing being. Cheers, STOne-32.2013-07-24 1:37 PM
Thank you for reply.
However, in my opinion (I may be wrong), ST should release 'Preliminary' versions of these docs even if these parts are not yet in mass production. This may help the projects that are yet in design phase...2013-07-24 2:47 PM
They have, just selectively, you'll have to make your business case to your local ST rep.
A $20 Discovery board probably won't do the parts justice. With TFT LCD, SDRAM and NAND you're likely to be in the $80-100 level for boards out of China/eBay, and $300-400 for the ST EVAL boards.2013-07-24 3:02 PM
, Why not? a customer purchasing just a discovery is A customer :) and we will care about... But we wanted to have a cleaned set of documentation first to avoid waisting you valuable development &Debugging time.
2013-07-25 12:09 AM
I think a good idea for development board would be to update current STM32F4 Discovery Board with a new MCU from this new series (if it doesn't impact the price too much) and provide some good Optional extension boards for features like LCD-TFT.
A full blown Eval board can be provided separately for the people who want to go for that solution.ST should remember that a big contribution in success of any MCU comes from availability of inexpensive and feature-oriented development boards...2013-08-03 1:41 AM
ST know very well how to promote its products.
STM8andSTM32-Apr2013.pdf show under ''STM32 F4 Series highlights'' (pag. 50) a STM32F429-Dyscovery photo.The board have a small TFT (I think 2.4 Inch) and 128 pin expansion header, so it mount at least a 144 pin device.This will be a great low-cost entry-level reference platform !When ST will be release it ? I hope soon ... ( I have serious difficult to sleep without it in my collection )2013-08-03 12:58 PM
Yeah, the new Discovery with STM32F429 is populated by LQFP144 package, So far this is the most complex discovery we built. We are in final step of finalization and starting stocking at ou main distributors : Farnell, RS etc. It will be available widely in two months from now. :)
Cheers, STOne-322013-09-20 9:47 AM
The STM32F429I-DISCO board is now in active marketing status. (I have already ordered it). Also the F4x9 reference manual is avaliable. When ST will release the board firmware package and the update of the standard peripherals library ?
2013-09-20 9:57 AM
Soon hopefully, still waiting for my STM32F429I-DISCO boards.
The reference manual has been updated. The firmware download for thehttp://www.st.com/web/en/catalog/tools/PF259428
has the 1.2.0 libraries supporting ALL the 429 peripherals, still waiting for examples outside the Release Candidatehttp://www.st.com/web/en/catalog/tools/FM116/SC959/SS1532/PF259098