2017-05-11 8:47 AM
Recently PolarSSL library has been replaced by mbedtls in STCube Third Party libraries.
PolarSSL used to have STM32 specific code for some of the Polar SSL APIs. Now, in the latest STCube
mbedtls library does not have STM32 specific code which enables usage of hardware HASH and CRYPTO engine.
What is the reason for this ?
Best regards,
#stm32 #crypto #mbedtls #hash2017-12-02 3:06 AM
Hi Bogdan,
I an evaluating X-CUBE-AWS (Amazon Web Service IoT) v1.1.0 in 32F769IDISCOVERY.
This package is using mbedTLS library. And I want to confirm that this package is using HW Acceleration.
But in the 'stm32f7xx_hal_conf.h' file ' ♯ define HAL_CRYP_MODULE_ENABLED' is not defined.
And also I can't find
HAL_CRYP_Init() in aes.c.
I also downloaded latest STM32CubeMX (v4.23) and also STM32Cube_FW_F7_V1.8.0. But both are having same mbedTLS v2.4.0 and in their aes.c doesn't have HAL_CRYP_Init().
So is X-CUBE-AWS is using crypto library and HW acceleration?
And if NO, how to enable?