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Using Tamper with TF-M in STM32U5

Associate II


In TFM and SBSFU applications, by default the anti-tamper protection is enabled for both internal tamper events and external tamper events. It is activated at the start of TFM_SBSFU_Boot, and remains active.

In case of tamper detection, sensitive data in SRAM2, caches and cryptographic peripherals are immediately erased, and the tamper interruption triggers a reset and the application is blocked (can't boot).

I'm using the anti-tamper protection in TFM with stm32U585, but I don't want the tamper interruption to trigger a reset, I have changed the default configuration in TAMP_IRQHandler(), but still a reset is triggered and the application is blocked at tamper detection, I have tried to catch reset causes (reset flags), and I have found a software reset flag (Set by hardware when a software reset occurs.) and NRST Pin reset flag (Set by hardware when a reset from the NRST pin occurs.), So I wonder what would be the cause of NRST reset, and is there any relation between NRST , TAMP and RTC, could the anti-tamper protection / RTC triggers NRST reset.

Any explanation or a hint, please !

Thank you.



ST Employee

No, Option Bytes should not be affected by the tamper.

Besides, we recommend using RDP-level 2 so the option bytes are frozen in this case.

In RDP-level2 (or production mode), SBSFU only checks the consistency of the OBs.

Associate II

In Dev mode Option Bytes were affected by tamper detection, in Prod mode they should not be affected, So to draw a conclusion :

  • In TFM_SBSFU_Boot the tamper detection is handled by TAMP_IRQHandler() defined at low_level_security.c
  • In TFM_Appli the tamper detection is handled by Error_Handler() defined at tfm_platform_system.c
  • At tamper detection the SRAM2 is erased or blocked so the initial attestation information shared between TFM_SBSFU_Boot and TFM_Appli are frozen.
  • TFM_Appli is always blocked once an intrusion is detected, even if we remove the Reset.
  • Using Prod mode instead of Dev mode will allow TFM_SBSFU_Boot to reboot !

So the default configuration at tamper detection (forcing a RESET and Reboot) can't be changed !

Thank you.🙂
