2022-04-26 12:59 AM
I'm using for the first time the RNG of STM32H753. I have a "clock error" which means that rng_clk is too slow compared to HCLK.
The reference manual mentions the following:
Is it a problem to just disable the clock error detection since it seems that the level of entropy fits the statistical benchmark ?
Right now I disabled the clock error detection, kept rng_clk to the default value(hsi8_ck) and the bit DRDY is never set after I enable the RNG.
2022-04-26 06:20 AM
Disabling error detection because you're seeing errors is rarely the proper course of action.
Show your code where you set up the clock, or a readout of the registers which control it. It sounds like the clock is not what you think it is.
2022-04-26 11:19 PM
Well, the disabling of clock error detection is mentioned by STMicro in the ref manual and the RNG still seems to reach a good level of entropy and to work in this case (or I didn't understand the paragraph of the ref manual copied above).
Anyway I've switched rng_clk to another faster clock source and I don't have errors anymore.
I'm still curious to understand what my problem was.
No need to show my code, clocks are at maximum (HCLK 200MHz IIRC), rng_clk source was the default one ie. HSI