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STM32 cryptographic library - GCC compatibility

Associate II
Posted on November 11, 2013 at 20:26


Maybe I'm wrong, but the

only provides binaries compatible with compilers from Keil or IAR but none for GCC.

Since the sources aren't openly available, for reasons I can understand, is it possible that somebody from ST provides us an GCC compatible version?

Thank you.

#stm32-cryptograhic-library-gcc #understand-your-tools #understand-your-tools #know-your-tools
Paresh Parekh
Associate II
Posted on November 19, 2016 at 06:59


Thanks for your response and sorry for the late reply.

First of all I used

 3.1.0 version.

SHA256 cryptography HASH algorithm works fine i already tested.

Regarding RSA 2048 bits key I didn't found any example key so I can test RSA library.

Do you have any RSA2048 bits Private and public key then please share me else share me link so i can generate key from some tools.

Thanks & Regards

Paresh Parekh    

Posted on November 19, 2016 at 15:12

Could you use OpenPGP or GnuPG to generate some keys?

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Associate II
Posted on November 19, 2016 at 15:20


I have a few basic questions regarding the x-cube-cryptolib + STM32F415RG:

1. Since the cryptlib is declared as a STM32Cube extension, I tried to install the zip over the Library Manager, which results in an invalid version error message (Cube version 4.17.0, Library version: 3.1.0). Is this extension even installable directly in STM Cube?

2. The AccHW HAL driver seems to identical with the files in the firmware directory of my MPU. Is the HW cryptlib extension even necessary for HAL?

3. In the includefiles ''STM32CubeExpansion_Crypto_V3.1.0\AccHw_Crypto\STM32F4\Middlewares\ST\STM32_Crypto_AccHw\Inc'' there are only algorithms that are not supported by the hardware acceleration of my MPU, for example RSA. So at this point the complete cryptlib stopped making sense to me...
Paresh Parekh
Associate II
Posted on November 21, 2016 at 08:49

Hi Clive1

Thanks for the quick response, I got the key from

In ST library if we want to pass private or public keys then key must be have two components Exponential and Modules.

How i can identify Exponential and Modules from the current keys.

Also here I attached both key generate from the above website.

Regards from

Paresh Parekh


Attachments :

0xEE98F688-pub.asc :

0xEE98F688-sec.asc :