2025-03-17 1:41 AM - last edited on 2025-03-17 4:02 AM by Andrew Neil
Hello all,
I have been working on a bare metal Rust implementation of the PKA engine in the STM32WBA55CG microcontroller. So far, I managed to properly initialize the PKA engine, and run both modular addition and subtraction by writing and reading the PKA RAM memory. However, when trying to run modular multiplication and exponentiation, the operation simply never ends (PROCENDF never clears). I am not sure why could this be, since I am just modifying the mode and the in/out memory offsets to which I write in the RAM. Below I show the corresponding code.
The PKA RAM memory can be found in page 82 of rm0493 (https://www.st.com/resource/en/reference_manual/rm0493-multiprotocol-wireless-bluetooth-le-and-ieee802154-stm32wba5xxx-armbased-32bit-mcus-stmicroelectronics.pdf)
use stm32wba::stm32wba55::{self};
use {defmt_rtt as _, panic_probe as _};
use cortex_m_rt::entry;
use cortex_m::asm;
use defmt::info;
use core::{
ptr::{read_volatile, write_volatile},
const BASE: usize = 0x520C_2000;
const PKA_RAM_OFFSET: usize = 0x400;
const RAM_BASE: usize = BASE + PKA_RAM_OFFSET;
// PKA RAM locations for exponentiation
const EXPONENT_LENGTH_OFFSET: u32 = 0x400;
const OPERAND_LENGTH_OFFSET: u32 = 0x408;
const OPERAND_A_OFFSET: u32 = 0xC68;
const MODULUS_OFFSET: u32 = 0x1088;
const EXPONENT_E_OFFSET: u32 = 0xE78;
const RESULT_OFFSET: u32 = 0x838;
const OPERAND_LENGTH: u32 = 64;
const EXPONENT_LENGTH: u32 = 64;
const A: u32 = 2; // Base
const E: u32 = 3; // Exponent
const N: u32 = 13; // Modulus for exponentiation
unsafe fn write_ram(offset: usize, buf: &[u32]) {
debug_assert_eq!(offset % 4, 0);
debug_assert!(offset + buf.len() * size_of::<u32>() < 0x520C_33FF);
buf.iter().rev().enumerate().for_each(|(idx, &dw)| {
write_volatile((offset + idx * size_of::<u32>()) as *mut u32, dw)
unsafe fn read_ram(offset: usize, buf: &mut [u32]) {
debug_assert_eq!(offset % 4, 0);
debug_assert!(offset + buf.len() * size_of::<u32>() < 0x520C_33FF);
buf.iter_mut().rev().enumerate().for_each(|(idx, dw)| {
*dw = read_volatile((offset + idx * size_of::<u32>()) as *const u32);
unsafe fn main() -> ! {
let p = stm32wba55::Peripherals::take().unwrap();
let pka = &p.PKA;
let clock = &p.RCC;
let rng = &p.RNG;
// Enable HSI as a stable clock source
clock.rcc_cr().modify(|_, w| w
while clock.rcc_cr().read().hserdy().bit_is_clear() {
// Enable RNG clock. Select the source clock
clock.rcc_ccipr2().write(|w| w.rngsel().b_0x2());
// Enable RNG clock. Select the AHB clock
clock.rcc_ahb2enr().modify(|_, w| w.rngen().set_bit());
while clock.rcc_ahb2enr().read().rngen().bit_is_clear() {
// Configure RNG
rng.rng_cr().write(|w| w
// .clkdiv().b_0x0()
.nistc().clear_bit() // Hardware default values for NIST compliant RNG
.ced().clear_bit() // Clock error detection enabled
// First clear CONDRST while keeping RNGEN disabled
rng.rng_cr().modify(|_, w| w
// Then enable RNG in a separate step
rng.rng_cr().modify(|_, w| w
while rng.rng_sr().read().drdy().bit_is_clear() {
info!("RNG enabled successfully");
// Enable PKA peripheral clock via RCC_AHB2ENR register
// PKA peripheral is located on AHB2
clock.rcc_ahb2enr().modify(|_, w| w.pkaen().set_bit());
// Reset PKA before enabling (sometimes helps with initialization)
pka.pka_cr().modify(|_, w| w.en().clear_bit());
for _ in 0..10 {
// Enable PKA peripheral
pka.pka_cr().write(|w| w
// Wait for PKA to initialize
while pka.pka_sr().read().initok().bit_is_clear() {
info!("PKA initialized successfully!");
let length_addr = BASE + OPERAND_LENGTH_OFFSET as usize;
let exponent_length_addr = BASE + EXPONENT_LENGTH_OFFSET as usize;
let operand_a_addr = BASE + OPERAND_A_OFFSET as usize;
let exponent_addr = BASE + EXPONENT_E_OFFSET as usize;
let modulus_addr = BASE + MODULUS_OFFSET as usize;
let result_addr = BASE + RESULT_OFFSET as usize;
// Clear any previous error flags
pka.pka_clrfr().write(|w| w
// Write the values - using 32-bit words
write_ram(length_addr, &[OPERAND_LENGTH]);
write_ram(exponent_length_addr, &[EXPONENT_LENGTH]);
write_ram(operand_a_addr, &[A]);
write_ram(operand_a_addr + 4, &[0]); // Additional zero word 4 bytes = 32 bits = 1 word
write_ram(exponent_addr, &[E]);
write_ram(exponent_addr + 4, &[0]); // Additional zero word
write_ram(modulus_addr, &[N]);
write_ram(modulus_addr + 4, &[0]);
// Configure PKA operation mode and start
info!("Starting PKA operation...");
pka.pka_cr().modify(|_, w| w
.start().set_bit() // Start the operation
// Wait for processing to complete - PROCENDF is 1 when done
info!("Waiting for operation to complete...");
while pka.pka_sr().read().procendf().bit_is_clear() {
info!("Operation complete!");
// Read the result
let mut result = [0u32; 1];
read_ram(result_addr, &mut result);
info!("Operation: {} ^ {} (mod {}) = {}", A, E, N, result[0]);
// Clear the completion flag
pka.pka_clrfr().write(|w| w.procendfc().set_bit());
loop {}