2020-04-28 08:43 AM
I have created a simple function to encrypt a message using the AES CBC flow suggested in the documentation (AES_CBC_Encrypt_Init, AES_CBC_Encrypt_Append, AES_CBC_Encrypt_Finish), and then using the same flow to decrypt (AES_CBC_Decrypt_Init, AES_CBC_Decrypt_Append, AES_CBC_Decrypt_Finish). I am using a fixed Key vector (32 bytes) and a fixed InitializationVector (16 bytes) and I'm using these same arrays in decryption as in encryption. But I don't get the original input message back.
Here is the code:
uint32_t doSimpleEncrypt()
// AES context, error status and output length.
AESCBCctx_stt AESctx;
uint32_t errorStatus = AES_SUCCESS;
int32_t outputLength = 0;
const uint8_t Plaintext[PLAINTEXT_LENGTH] = {0x61, 0x62, 0x63, 0x64, 0x65, 0x66, 0x67, 0x68,
0x69, 0x6a, 0x6b, 0x6c, 0x6d, 0x6e, 0x6f, 0x70};
uint32_t inputMessageLength = PLAINTEXT_LENGTH;
/* Key to be used for AES encryption/decryption */
uint8_t Key[CRL_AES256_KEY_SIZE] = {0x31,0x32,0x33,0x34,0x35,0x36,0x37,0x38,
/* Initialization Vector */
uint8_t IV[CRL_AES_BLOCK] = {0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, 0x36, 0x37, 0x38,
0x39, 0x38, 0x37, 0x36, 0x35, 0x34, 0x33, 0x32};
/* Buffer to store the output data */
uint8_t OutputMessage[PLAINTEXT_LENGTH];
/* Size of the output data */
uint32_t OutputMessageLength = 0;
/* Set flag field to default value */
AESctx.mFlags = E_SK_DEFAULT;
/* Set key size to 32 (corresponding to AES-256) */
AESctx.mKeySize = CRL_AES256_KEY_SIZE;
/* Set iv size field to IvLength*/
errorStatus = AES_CBC_Encrypt_Init(&AESctx, &Key[0], &IV[0] );
/* check for initialization errors */
if (errorStatus == AES_SUCCESS)
/* Encrypt Data */
errorStatus = AES_CBC_Encrypt_Append(&AESctx,Plaintext,inputMessageLength,OutputMessage,&outputLength);
if (errorStatus == AES_SUCCESS){
/* Write the number of data written*/
OutputMessageLength = outputLength;
/* Do the Finalization */
errorStatus = AES_CBC_Encrypt_Finish(&AESctx, OutputMessage + OutputMessageLength, &outputLength);
OutputMessageLength += outputLength;
if(errorStatus == AES_SUCCESS){
// now decrypt the encrypted message
uint8_t decryptedMessage[PLAINTEXT_LENGTH];
AESCBCctx_stt AESctx2;
// Set flag field to default value.
AESctx2.mFlags = E_SK_DEFAULT;
// Set the key size in AES status.
AESctx2.mKeySize = CRL_AES256_KEY_SIZE;
// Set the initialization vector size in AES status.
AESctx2.mIvSize = CRL_AES_BLOCK;
// Initialize the operation, by passing key and initialization vector.
errorStatus = AES_CBC_Decrypt_Init(&AESctx2, &Key[0], &IV[0]);
// check for initialization errors.
if (errorStatus == AES_SUCCESS)
// Decrypt Data in CBC mode.
errorStatus = AES_CBC_Decrypt_Append(&AESctx2, OutputMessage, inputMessageLength, decryptedMessage, &outputLength);
// check for decryption errors in CBC mode.
if (errorStatus == AES_SUCCESS)
// Finalize data.
OutputMessageLength = outputLength;
errorStatus = AES_CBC_Decrypt_Finish(&AESctx2, (decryptedMessage + OutputMessageLength), &outputLength);
else {
else {
sprintf(tmpStr,"decryptStatus: %d\r\n",(int)errorStatus);
sprintf(tmpStr,"Beginning decryptedMessage\r\n");
for(unsigned i=0; i<inputMessageLength; ++i){
sprintf(tmpStr,"Decrypted[%d]: 0x%0x\r\n",i,(uint16_t)decryptedMessage[i]);
sprintf(tmpStr,"End decryptedMessage\r\n");
return errorStatus;
I have used the same input into some web-based AES CBC 256-bit key encryptor and decryptor, and it works there.