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Yagarto vs Raisonance

Associate III
Posted on December 16, 2011 at 06:51

I'm using a makefile to build my application - I'm not a huge fan of IDE's.

By setting my PATH environment variable (in Win32 system) to the Raisonance toolchain everything builds fine and runs fine on my STM32F2.

By setting my PATH environment variable to the Yagarto toolchain everything builds fine (same errors and a very similar sized output) but the code does not run!

I do ''make clean, make all'' for both tests.

Put up here just in case somebody else wastes a day chasing their compiler in circles.

Yagarto is V4.6.0.

Raisonance is V4.3.2

Posted on December 17, 2011 at 18:46

As to no debugger. I guess it's just what you get used to. I have a dedicated debug/programming port (USART 1), and supplement that with pin toggling and generous use of assert statements. It doesn't seem to have slowed me down too much over the years, and didn't stop me from doing this development on custom hardware (hopefully there's a picture attached).

I'm certainly not discounting that as a method, I tend to use the serial port and heavily instrument code so I can understand what's happening in real time, and I understand the flow I'm expecting. But the JTAG comes in very useful on occasion, and saves a lot of time, trace can be useful too, but usually as a desperation play.

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Associate III
Posted on December 18, 2011 at 01:45

There are times when I might have liked to have a JTAG based or some other single step debugger. Fortunately the number of times I've had to write something that's that  algorithmicaly intensive is quite rare. Also with most embedded systems the edit-compile-burn-test cycle is quite fast, and it is generally not too difficult to go around that loop 15 times in an hour. (Again fortunately not too often).