2018-06-17 7:54 AM
I'm very new to STM32 MCU programming and I started an SPI project on TrueStudio. I needed an LCD library as well and hence I adapted an existing library to be used with mine and added those files under Inc and Src. When I try to compile, I get an error saying that a previously undeclared define is being used for the first time in the function whereas they've been defined in the respective header file and that header file has been included in the project. Why is this happening? What am I missing? All my errors seem to be in the 'HD44780.c' file. I should also mention that I used the CubeMX software to generate the pin definition source code. I've attached a zip of my project here.
#stm32f103 #truestudio-9.0 #build-error #atollic-turestudio