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Associate II
Posted on November 25, 2014 at 09:01

Why doesnt STM32CUBE have any usb sample codes for stm32f4-discovery? Discovery has a usb port on.

Everybody know that Virtual Com USB is very slow even 8bit Microchips have Bulk Usb code support about 1024kb/s
Associate II
Posted on November 25, 2014 at 09:21

ST members do not accept the STM32Cube shortages (bugs, low performance, low speed, APIs do not cover some needs,...) they only do the task for ST to finish the given task, they are not responsible for quality of their products, It seems in near future stm32 designers think about switch to other brands that have better support.

I hope ST manage this problems as soon as possible.

I think it is better that we have two separate and well defined driver level, one HAL layer that give you APIs to access to hardware registers and features, and you can develop your custom/special higher level driver with it, another is DRIVER/middleware layer that give us APIs based on HAL layer and it is an option for developers to use it.

Associate II
Posted on November 25, 2014 at 09:30

thanks but we dont have big company so dont have a software develop team to write libraries for every application and i think it isnt costumers work. Until now we used microchip devices and we got all libraries from them.

Now we have a STM32 168MHz ARM-M4 but we can use only Virtual comport USB about 80kb/S. 
Posted on November 25, 2014 at 14:03

See the examples for the STM324xG_EVAL board (it has the same microprocessor) at ''STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.3.0\Projects\STM324xG_EVAL\Applications\USB_Device''.

Posted on November 25, 2014 at 14:16

Does Cube care what board you're using? Surely USB can use only a handful of pins.

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Associate II
Posted on November 25, 2014 at 14:39

dear clive1, can you write me a sample code for simple bulk transfer on stm32f4? i need to send and read data packets direct to my PC without SD card storage.


Posted on November 25, 2014 at 16:39

dear clive1, can you write me a sample code for simple bulk transfer on stm32f4? i need to send and read data packets direct to my PC without SD card storage.

Sorry, don't have the bandwidth/resources to do that. I did build a SDRAM-DISK example for the STM32F429I-DISCO
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