2013-10-07 4:50 PM
Why is my code sometimes running sometimes not ? When I plug in J-Link, it's stable but if I plug it out, it's not stable ?? Is it because a power supply from USB ? Any ideas ? Thanks2013-10-07 5:36 PM
The universe of problems is pretty large, I could get my magic eight ball out?
If you think it's a supply issue, then use a bench supply, and observe current draw. Track down what happens when the debugger is not attached, output diagnostic information via a serial port, or identify progress with GPIO or LED. Make sure you have a Hard Fault handler that can output data about faults.2013-10-08 4:01 AM
2013-10-08 4:03 AM
with LED blinker test it's stable, I'm using 2.4'' LCD, could it be the cause ? I have less power to turn it on ?
Now it's on after trying to reset few times....2013-10-08 8:15 AM
Power consumption can be a problem with LCD displays. Supplying by USB might not be sufficient, as I can confirm. But that should be easy to find out.
LCD displays need relatively long delays at startup, to ramp up internal voltage converters - up into hundreds of milliseconds. Check the datasheet of your display. They usually provide an example initialization sequence, which you can compare with your code.2013-10-08 2:36 PM
Appreciate all advice thus far - but perhaps this, ''When I plug in J-Link, it's stable but if I plug it out, it's not stable'' deserves further regard?
If that probe attachment improves things - as you state - might that suggest inadequate Reset circuit handling and/or JTAG pins not properly, ''pulled-up?'' Thus - w/JTAG probe present - those connections/signals are rendered ''proper'' - and when absent - improper connections assert... To remove ''inadequate power'' from the mix - suggest that you open the connection to Lcd's backlight - likely the biggest power-hog on your board - and see if issue resolves...2013-10-08 4:43 PM
I put 10uF capacitor on VDD3,as suggested on datasheet and I call it stable now, not sure....but everytime startup, I must push reset button few seconds to make it on...I'm using external power supply now
The first time I applied power supply, LCD was off, I need to push reset button about 1 second to make it on, any ideas why ? Please have a look on my reset and JTAG circuit, in case I need a fix on it, thanks ________________ Attachments : STM32F103V.pdf : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006I07u&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000baT%2FdXSDV2fn9ZU.1ZLAaJRHwN_QoR1Rqe9FnQc8jd_FdX4&asPdf=false2013-10-15 3:32 PM
If I'm using USB as power supply, it's not easy to on it, even I push reset button so long..
but if I'm using 1A transformer, I can make it start after pushing the reset button for a few seconds, is it because of the LCD consuming a lot of power ? I'm using 2.4'' LCD with ILI9325 controller... thanks2013-10-15 3:48 PM
2013-10-16 1:37 PM
Your first post stated, ''When I plug in J-Link, it's stable but if I plug it out, it's not stable ??''
Does this, ''JLink connection'' continue in making things stable? (appears it does not - from the bulk of your follow-on writings) As others have stated - LCD Controllers - upon power-up - often require an unusually long time to become, ''Ready.'' Does your MCU Reset process also reset the LCD Controller? If it does not - that added ''MCU-only'' Reset may provide the added time required by your LCD... Many LCD Controllers may ''signal'' their ''readiness'' to accept initialization & data. Your compliance w/this is an ideal means to gain stable & repeatable LCD operation...