2017-12-20 6:51 AM
I know of the STM32F303 line with 5MS/s (0.2us),
the F378 with slower ADCs but 16-bit
and some F4/F7 devices with also slower than the F303 ADCs.
But which STM32 has the fastest ADC regarding the complete conversion time?
Unfortunately the user cannot enter this search parameter either on the Website nor in the STMCUFinder utiliy.
Thank you in advance.
2017-12-20 7:03 AM
,5MSPS is the fastest ADC available in STM32, STM32L4 is one of them.
But for example on STM32F4 you can put 3 ADCs together (each up to 2.4MSPS) and then you have up to 7.2MSPS.
What is your target sampling rate?
Best regards,
2017-12-20 8:12 AM
Hello Tilen, thank you for your fast reply.
On the F3 subpage I can read 'Ultra-fast 12-bit ADCs with 5 MSPS (Million Samples Per Second) per channel (up to 18 MSPS in Interleaved mode)'
I assume the 18MS/s can be accomplished by using all four 5MS/s ADCs ?
I want to analyse and control AC power devices with very high frequencies in the range of 500kHz and may be even more. May be I have to use external ADCs. Can you recommend a fast ADC e.g. connected via SPI?
Thank you in advance, Gahlen.