2016-12-08 11:29 AM
In the scheduling system we use we need a simple 32kHz low power counter value.
Exactly like in the stm32F1 family is present.
But in any other family, the RTC registers are replaced by Time and Date registers.
I am able to covert the Time register back to a counter value that overflows every 24 hours and add the number of days.
This way I can get a 32 bit counter value running at 32kHz.
But it is an enourmous hassle and it takes a lot more processing time than needed.
Is there a simple way to get a low power 32kHz counter value, so we can use it for our scheduling?
We aim to disable the HSI/HSE/PLL clocks when no tasks needs to run, but keep de Low power LSE/LSI running to wakeup from stop mode.
We do not need any timestamp values like year month day hour minute second.
Thank you!
2017-01-20 3:26 AM
this to the Annual Wishlist.JW
2017-12-21 6:55 AM
Thanks for bumping this post, I can't believe how incredibly awesomely it demonstrated my point...
The primary rule is being divisible by 4.
If it is divisible by 100 but not 400 is is not.
2000 % 4 == 0
2000 % 400 == 0
1901 .. 2099 being very simple to implement in silicon due to (year % 4) being easy to implement, and the only test needed in that range.
Beware of code written and tested by idiots.. They do the stupidest things at the most inappropriate times..