2017-04-14 6:08 AM
Hi. guys.
it's simple question to someone, which is not me.
Where can i find main.h from a project the CubeMX provide?
below only header files i can find are.
I have been curious when i was going to find and utilize USART_TwoBoards_Compolling example.
and there are these codes in its main.h
So i wanted to copy this code and i couldnt find proper place(main.h) to paste it.
anyway my question is where i can find main.h or other header file which contains ''/* Exported macro------------*/ ''
of course i explore in mxconstatns.h but i thought the header file isnt for maco code.
thanks in advance.
2017-04-14 7:52 AM
,Under the Inc folder in your generated project location you may find your main.h file
2017-04-17 6:19 AM
Sorry but i couldnt find main.h in the Inc folder
Should i configure something for main.h to be created?
Thanks in advance.
2017-04-17 10:29 AM
,Could you please share your .ioc file for check?
2017-04-17 9:53 PM
Here you can download my .oic
Thank you.
Sorry, i made a link with wrong ioc file.
I have updated it. now you can download and check it.