2017-05-01 4:18 AM
I just downloaded the current version of the STM32 Embedded Target for MATLAB. According to the attached documentation it's for Matlab R2014a but i would like to use the toolbox in a Matlab R2013a environement. Where can i get the older version(s) of STM32 embedded target ? Thanks for the support. Cheers from Cologne ;)
2017-05-02 2:48 AM
,Unfortunately, we don't have the possibility to manage old version
. In fact the new version comes to fix issues of the previous one so it would be better to update your MATLAB version.-Nesrine-
2017-05-02 12:25 PM
Hi Nesrine,
unfortunately i can't just switch to a newer MATLAB version in my department as this is a major issue where the entire toolchain is involved.
Still don't understand why you don't have an archive for older versions. Microchip for example has it and i'm sure many others also as it totally makes sense to support the tools history and it's older versions.
Regards, Patrick