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What is the default value for PLLON ? If it is 0, should I put a while(PLLRDY =1)?


I have an application running on HSE as system clock..and I set the multiplexer to select HSE, totally not using PLL

btw, should I put any configuration to my PLL?

such as PLLON =0, and while(PLLRDY==1) , to “properly configure�? the unused PLL?

Or should I just leave it as what it is by default?

best regards,



By default it is off, so just leave it as it is.


You would need for it to be off to reconfigure it. And the processor needs to be clocked from a source that is running.​

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Hi Tesla,

Thanks for the reply.

It is agreeable to turn PLL off properly, by putting "PLLON =0; while(PLLRDY==1) ", If one wishes to "RE-CONFIGURE" the PLL setting.

But if I don't intend to use PLL at all right from the startup, is "PLLON =0; while(PLLRDY==1)" omittable?

Best Regards,
