2018-03-15 02:49 PM
I will use this Cortex with both ADC and both DAC active.
The datasheet says the maximum (wort case) current required into Vref is:
220 uA for ADC and 220 uA for DAC.
I am going to apply the separate Vref with a shunt reference hence I need to calculate the pullup resistor. So I must know what is the maximum (worst case) current I must provide for Vref pin.
Is it 2x for ADC + 2x for DAC = 880 uA ?
Or less (as buffered inside the chip) ?
Or even more as the max current for DAC in the datasheet is for 'Standby mode, no load'. So should I increase the total Vref current still more (for Run mode and some load) ?
Thank you for any help.
Best regards
2018-03-16 12:22 AM
' The datasheet says the maximum (worst case) current required into Vref is 220 uA for ADC and 220 uA for DAC'
I think they are saying the minimum required to satisfy the internal circuits is 440uA in the worst case.
It could be lower on some batches but not always.