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VGA not working?

Associate II

I am trying to give 800x600@56hz vga output with my stm32f103c8t6. For some reason I can't get it to work. Both of the monitors I tried are saying "Input is not supported" or sth along thoose lines.I know that they can work with 800x600@56hz. I have tried other resolutions and I couldn't get any of them to work. In some of my tries I got 800x600 54hz,68hz and 72hz.This happened when I tried to speed up the 640x480@60hz numbers but I couldn't get the desired resolution and the other random ones I got were inconsistent. Here is my code:

    .syntax unified
    .equ GPIOB,0x40010C00
    .equ GPIOA,0x40010800
    .equ RCC  ,0x40021000
    .equ TIM3 ,0x40000400
    .equ TIM2 ,0x40000000
    .equ NVIC ,0xE000E100
    .equ DMA1 ,0x40020000
    .type ramres,%function
    .global ramres
    mov R1,0
    ldr R0,=0x20000000
    ldr R2,=0x20005000
    str R1,[R0],4
    cmp R0,R2
    bne ramres1
    bx lr
    .size ramres,.-ramres
    .global main
    ldr R0,=RCC
    mov R1,15
    str R1,[R0,0x14] //set the DMA1 Clock || RCC_AHBENR
    mov R1,0b1100
    str R1,[R0,0x18] //set the GPIOB,GPIOA Clocks || RCC_APB2ENR
    mov R1,0b11
    str R1,[R0,0x1C] //set the TIM2 and TIM3 Clocks || RCC_APB1ENR
    add lr,pc,5
    b ramres
    mov R0,0x20000000
    mov R1,896
    strh R1,[R0]
    mov R1,824
    strh R1,[R0,0x2]
    ldr R1,=601
    strh R1,[R0,0x4]
    add R1,R1,2
    strh R1,[R0,0x6]
    ldr R0,=DMA1
    mov R1,2
    str R1,[R0,0x84] //NDT = 2 || DMA1_CNDTR7
    ldr R1,=0x40000034 // TIM2_CCR1
    str R1,[R0,0x88] // DMA1_CPAR7ldr R2,=TIM2
    mov R1,0x20000000
    str R1,[R0,0x8C] // DMA1_CMAR7
    ldr R1,=13745 //0 11 01 01 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1
    str R1,[R0,0x80] //configuring channel7 || DMA1_CRR7
    mov R1,1
    str R1,[R0,0x34] //NDT = 1 || DMA1_CNDTR3
    str R1,[R0,0x70] //NDT = 1 || DMA1_CNDTR6
    ldr R1,=0x4000043C // TIM3_CCR3
    str R1,[R0,0x38] // DMA1_CPAR3
    str R1,[R0,0x74] // DMA1_CPAR6
    ldr R1,=0x20000004
    str R1,[R0,0x78] // DMA1_CMAR6
    add R1,R1,2
    str R1,[R0,0x3C] // DMA1_CMAR3
    ldr R1,=13617 //0 11 01 01 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1
    str R1,[R0,0x30] //configuring channel3 || DMA1_CCR3
    str R1,[R0,0x6C] //configuring channel6 || DMA1_CCR6
    //channel 6 -> tim3 channel 1
    //channel 3 -> tim3 channel 4
    //PB0 -> tim3 channel 3
    //tim2 will be prescaler for tim3
    ldr R0,=TIM2
    mov R1,1
    str R1,[R0,0x28] //set the prescaler to 1 || TIM2_PSC
    mov R1,1024
    str R1,[R0,0x2C] //set the ARR to 1024 || TIM2_ARR
    mov R1,824
    str R1,[R0,0x34] //set the CCR1 to 824 || TIM2_CCR1
    mov R1,840
    str R1,[R0,0x38] //set the CCR2 to 840 || TIM2_CCR2 (CCR1 -> 896)
    ldr R1,=920
    str R1,[R0,0x40] //set the CCR4 to 920 || TIM2_CCR4 (CCR1 -> 824)
    mov R1,0b1
    str R1,[R0,0x20] //enable the CC1|| TIM2_CCER
    mov R1,0x30
    str R1,[R0,0x18] //set OC1M to 011(toggle) || TIM2_CCMR1
    mov R1,5120
    str R1,[R0,0x0C] //enable the DMA's || TIM2_DIER
    mov R1,32
    str R1,[R0,0x04] //set MMS to 010 || TIM2_CR2
    mov R1,0b01
    str R1,[R0]      //enable the counter || TIM2_CR1
    ldr R0,=TIM3
    ldr R1,=625
    str R1,[R0,0x2C] //set the ARR to 625 || TIM3_ARR
    ldr R1,=605
    str R1,[R0,0x34] //set the CCR1 to 605 || TIM3_CCR1 (CCR3 -> 601)
    ldr R1,=601
    str R1,[R0,0x3C] //set the CCR3 to 601 || TIM3_CCR3
    ldr R1,=602
    str R1,[R0,0x40] //set the CCR4 to 602 || TIM3_CCR4 (CCR3 -> 603)
    mov R1,256
    str R1,[R0,0x20] //enable the CC3|| TIM3_CCER
    mov R1,0x30
    str R1,[R0,0x1C] //set OC3M to 011(toggle) || TIM3_CCMR2
    mov R1,4608
    str R1,[R0,0x0C] //enable the DMA's || TIM3_DIER
    mov R1,23
    str R1,[R0,0x08] //TS = 001 SMS = 111 || TIM3_SMCR
    mov R1,0b01
    str R1,[R0]      //enable the counter || TIM3_CR1
    ldr R0,=GPIOB
    ldr R1,=0x44444444B
    str R1,[R0]
    ldr R0,=GPIOA
    ldr R1,=0x4222222B
    str R1,[R0]
    b wow

I can confirm that the MCU is running at 72mhz. The PA0 is connected to HSYNC and PB0 is connected to VSYNC. PA1to6 are connected to an DAC that I made with resistors but for now they are irrelevant. I would really appreciate anyone that can help cause I have no idea why this is not working


Do you have an oscilloscope?

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Unfortunantly I dont ;(