2014-01-08 5:46 PM
I wrote a library for the STM32F4 Discovery kit. The name of this library is ZIOS.
ZIOS includes low level functions. You don't need to MCU registers access for your application programs. Also I wrote simple demo programs via Keil. when you examine you will realise that it's very easy.Also i made short video about the functions of ZIOS.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AnEpH6E2fiQ&feature=youtu.be
ZIOS functions use this pins.http://www.cncdesigner.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/ZIOS.jpg
Complete project directory.http://www.cncdesigner.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/ZIOS_Demo.rar
LCD Connection diagram.http://www.cncdesigner.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/LCD.jpg
#stm32f4-discovery #i2c #zios #stm32f4072014-01-09 1:32 AM
Hi. I see your web page . Is not in English language.. but see photo .. first photo in your web page is CNC - USB controller (3-axis) .. ??? is possible ZIOS use in STM32F429i DISCO kit??
best regards2014-01-09 1:39 AM
Yes this card 2.5 axis cnc controller and stepper motor driver. I don't now is ZIOS work with STM32F429i.2014-01-09 3:58 AM
2014-01-09 6:34 AM
2014-01-09 6:57 AM
2014-01-10 5:59 AM
Did you try the ZIOS for STM32F429i? Is it work?
2014-01-10 7:35 AM
Doubtful, the pins are totally different on the STM32F429I-DISCO, and most everything is consumed by LCD and SDRAM pins.
The SDIO interface is broken to just one pin/bit, but then again you're using SPI mode rather than 4-bit SDIO in your current project.2014-01-18 6:05 AM
STM32F407 I2C too simple by ZIOS V1.03
Example: I2C register access for TCM8240MD camera.#include ''Zystem.h''short T;void MiliSecond(){ if(T) T--; }int main(){char RxData; // TCM8240MD I2C example pinmod('D',1,output); // GPIOD02 is a output for the TCM8240MD Reset pin pinclr('D',1); // TCM8240MD Reset line is low T=100; while(T); // wait 100ms pinset('D',1); // TCM8240MD Reset line is high T=10; while(T); // wait 10ms I2Cinit(400000); // I2C clock frequency is 400 Khz // Lets read 0x04 location of TCM8240MD I2Cstart(); // Start Condition I2Ccmd(0x3D,0); // TCM8240MD Adr=0x3D, (R/W bit=0, write means) I2Cwrite(0x04); // TCM8240MD register address is 0x04 I2Cstart(); // Start Condition I2Ccmd(0x3D,1); // TCM8240MD Adr=0x3D, (R/W bit=0, read means) RxData=I2CreadNack(); // Read [0x04] register (No ACK) I2Cstop(); // Stop condition // Lets write 0x0B in to 0x04 location of TCM8240MD I2Cstart(); // Start Condition I2Ccmd(0x3D,0); // TCM8240MD Adr=0x3D, (R/W bit=0, write means) I2Cwrite(0x04); // Register address is 0x04 I2Cwrite(0x0B); // Register data is 0x0B I2Cstop(); // Stop condition // Lets read 0x04 location of TCM8240MD I2Cstart(); // Start Condition I2Ccmd(0x3D,0); // TCM8240MD Adr=0x3D, (R/W bit=0, write means) I2Cwrite(0x04); // Register address is 0x04 I2Cstart(); // Start Condition I2Ccmd(0x3D,1); // TCM8240MD Adr=0x3D, (R/W bit=0, read means) RxData=I2CreadNack(); // Read [0x04] register (No ACK) I2Cstop(); // Stop condition while(1); }