2015-06-25 3:15 AM
i was searching buit i could not get the exact point.why vector table is needed?.. can anyone tell me where i can find vector table in cocox and how to relocate the vector table .thanks.2015-06-25 5:58 AM
It should be in the startup_stm32fxxxx.c file for your chip
You will need to check the linker script to control the placement.You will need to tell the CPU where it is, typically there is SCB->VTOR = code in SystemInit()To understand better how the processor works, you might want to review one of ARM's Cortex-Mx Technical Reference Manuals, or one of Joseph Yiu's books on the series.2015-06-25 6:23 AM
how to write the linker file to seperate two have two projects and jump?
2015-06-26 12:09 AM
can anyone guide me ?