2019-01-16 1:12 AM
Which values can I suppose for Cin, Cout and Board Strays for STM32F103 and STM32L4 for HSE and LSE using the ecuation 1 in the following datasheet of the abracon "https://abracon.com/uploads/resources/PierceOscillator_Fundamentals.pdf"
2019-01-16 2:01 AM
Have a look at AN2867.
2019-01-16 2:15 AM
This values don't appear in the datasheet AN2867
2019-01-16 3:22 AM
Look at the very last line of section 3.3
2019-01-16 4:18 AM
Is the same formula for HSE and LSE for all SMT32 microcontrollers?
CL=(CL1*CL2)/(CL1+CL2) + Cs
and the Cs we can suppose 5pF?
2019-01-16 4:27 AM
Seems reasonable.
2019-01-25 6:54 AM
How to prove if the selection of the load capacitors CL1 and CL2 is correct?
Maybe with oscilloscope?