2017-04-18 8:44 AM
I'm trying to develop application using STM32F205 to transfer files between SD card and Flash Memory, I'm using CubeMX and FATFS API, The problem is the data rate is about 0.55 MB/s when copying from SD card to flash memory and about although I'm using USB in full speed mode and maximum CLK for SDIO. So I'm trying to use DMA to speed up the data transfer rate but it doesn't work properly.
Can any one help me to identify right procedures to configure DMA working with FATFS ?Thanks.
2017-04-18 6:00 PM
Dear Ahmed Emad el-deen,
About 0.5MByte/Sec transfer speed(USB-MSC) is appropriate value for STM32 builtin USB-FS PHY.If you need more perfrmance,use USB-HS with ULPI-PHY.
2017-04-19 8:12 PM
Thank you, I already trying to connect HS module I use this one :
, But it shows me that the device is not connected in MX_USB_HOST_Process ?! - any help ?