2018-03-16 12:56 AM
I would like to switch Atollic TrueStudio v9.0 for STM32 from CooCox CoIDE which I had been using for my STM32F0 based projects. However, I found that it comes pre-linked with HAL drivers(which I hesitate to use). Since ST has declared TrueStudio as an official IDE for ST, I would like to use it with the Standard Peripheral Libraries instead of HAL. I tried adding a library path to the standard library folder, however, I get *.h files not found(even though it is present), everytime I try to build a simple project.
Please help.
#truestudio-9.0.0 #stm32 #stm32f0 #atollic-truestudio2018-03-16 1:05 AM
Perhaps you could be a bit more specific about the actual error messages.
Maybe you just forgot to define USE_STDPERIPH_DRIVER for your project.
2018-04-29 2:53 AM
I'm not using STM32 for a long time but I might have a good shot for you. Right click on the project (in the Projects window) and select Properties. Then find the C/C++ Build/Settings menu. Define your peripheral libraries /inc folder in the GNU ARM C Compiler / Includes section. Then you should be good to go.
You might get some errors due to duplications. Just delete the ones out of the Peripheral Library. Also like AvaTar said, don't forget to include 'USE_STDPERIPH_DRIVER' definition into the 'Symbols' page.
Hope this helps.
2018-09-01 6:16 AM
I just ported a CooCox project to Atollic TrueStudio v9.0.
I still like to use the Standard Peripheral Libraries ( SPL ) but now also use HAL on new projects.
I just put the SPL .h and .c in the appropriate sub directories of the
Drivers/STM32??xx_HAL_Driver/Inc and /Src
I know it is not HAL drivers but I works out fine, it is just a name for the directory that seems to be fixed on version 9.
Is there anyone that knows how to specify SPL instead of HAL when creating a project with TrueStudio?
If still feel more comfortable with CooCox environmet but I am biased as I have used CooCox for many years since the beginning but their website seems to be down a lot these days.