2015-03-19 11:25 AM
I'm developing to STM32L1xx and I'm looking for the user manual or description of the STM32L1xx Standard Peripherals Library, but I could not find in the ST website.I found just the F1,2,3 families... Is there a user manual to this Standard lib?Thanks very much!2015-03-19 1:54 PM
Windows Help file?
STM32L1xx_StdPeriph_Lib_V1.1.1\stm32l1xx_stdperiph_lib_um.chm2015-03-20 4:55 AM
Hello Clive1,
Thanks for your nimble reply!I forgot to say that. I found the Windows Help file, but in my computer wasn't opening =/Today I was discussing this situation with my friend and He told me what the CHM file is locked by default, when this archive come from another computer.The solution was just unlock in the properties of the archive.Thanks for your attention!