2020-07-06 2:57 PM
It's possible to use the CAN with the STM32F469I-Discovery?
I have saw that the CAN1 pins are used for the touchscreen (I2C), so i can't use it. I can use the CAN2, but it's a slave on the STM32F469.
I have read that if I want to use the CAN as a slave I need to enable the other CAN as master. But I can enable the CAN1 as master if the CAN1 pins are shared with another peripheral like I2C as is in this case?
2020-07-07 11:01 AM
You can enable CAN1 without assigning GPIO pins to TX and RX. Set it up in loopback mode so it remains idle. CAN1 must be enabled to access the filter memory since it's shared with CAN2.
2020-07-07 11:33 AM
Hi Jack Peacock_2, many thanks for the reply!
I have read the datasheet but is not clear to me on how to use the CAN2. I had thought to free the PA11 and PA12 pins, and assign they to the CAN1 but without connect anything in this pins. But in this way i can't use the usb..
In the datasheet I saw that the CAN2 share some components with CAN1, also I have read some post about how work the CAN slave on STM32, but the info are scarse about this argument..
However I will follow your suggestion, thanks!..