2011-07-04 5:17 AM
I want to implement USBTMC with STM32 USB-FS-Device lib and don't know where to start :(
Any hints ?2011-07-04 6:47 AM
I want to implement USBTMC with STM32 USB-FS-Device lib and don't know where to start
How familiar are you with USB, and this protocol in particular? http://www.eetimes.com/electronics-products/test-measurement/4074421/USBTMC-Unwrapped
2011-07-04 7:12 AM
thanks for this link !
At the moment i'm working with an modified version of the CDC-VCOM-Example. The hardware is basically an DAQ-System, therefore i find USBTMC is the better choice. I'm not very familiar with USB but I'm trying to get through with some books and firmware examples from ST :)