2016-10-23 08:45 AM
I want to configure (and program) a USB custom class (USBTMC). My question is, how do I direct the Cube Application to include the USB libraries. For now I see how to include specific classes (like HID), but not the generic libs. Is this something I need to do manually?
#usb-cubemx-usbtmc2016-10-24 08:45 AM
You can start with a working USB example within your associated STM32Cube firmware package where the workspace is ready to use. This will help you to have more idea on how configuration/implementation is done.For more details, on how you use the STM32Cube USB device library, please refer to user manual which is applicable to all STM32 Series that feature an USB peripheral. Regards2016-11-03 02:47 AM
STM32CubeMX does not support:
- Generating code for USB composite devices (1 device descriptor with several USB classes) since this not yet supported by the firmware library itself.
- Nor generating code using the USB Library Template files found in the Template folder under the Class directory.
Best regards
2017-06-05 12:44 AM
A +1from me for the option of specifing 'None' as the USB Class in CubeMX, so that CubeMX generates the USB Core libraries only.