2016-04-12 2:58 AM
On my board, I want to activate the virtual com usb, but not function.
I generated of thehttps://www.dropbox.com/s/addgrf6w4k45cif/usb_usart1.zip?dl=0
with STM32CubeMx, enabling only USB and UART1 pins of the STM32F103ZE. The project make with Cubemx is attached. The same code on demoboard STM3210E-EVAL working properly, in fact the PC sees the virtual com. I change only a parameter, the HSE Prediv Value, 1 for eval board, 2 for my board, because the crystal is different, 8MHz vs 16MHz respectively.While my board does not work.I attach scheme of my board.Some advice? You have no idea what it is?Thanks so much.2016-04-15 7:50 PM
Have you checked that your crystal is running? You have a 10K resistor (R6) across it, which might be small enough to stop the oscillator.
2016-04-19 6:21 AM
oh, those resistor isn't mounted.
I tested the micro with the program that use the usart port with my pc. Work nice. I think the clock work good. You advice other tests?you
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2016-04-21 3:12 AM
I've solved. The quartz wasn't working. The system have the protection in this case, failure the external clock. The system works with internal clock.
''An external 4-16 MHz clock can be selected, inwhich case it is monitored for failure. If failure is detected, the system automatically switchesback to the internal RC oscillator. A software interrupt is generated if enabled.'' pagg.16 datasheets STM32f103you
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