2011-04-15 3:20 PM
USB to transmit real-time data in the least time possible
2012-10-05 6:26 AM
stupid site double posting
2012-10-05 6:26 AM
what does that have to do with
USB to transmit real-time data in the least time possible
2012-10-08 8:03 AM
if i want to change the mouse device example in stm32 to a keyboard what changes i have to make in the usbd_desc.c/h file ??? also why the ''USBD_HID_SendReport'' function is in SysTick_Handler if we work with the interrupt transfer and what is the real work of the endpoints interruptions in the usbd_hid example for stm32f4 usb otg library??
2016-02-13 5:21 AM
I am new to USB and Keil.I have 2 boards of ADS1298 ( for recording signals from muscles), each of the ADS1298s has a SPI interface for output. Output frequency of each SPI is about 2 Megabit/second. I have a STM32F407 discovery board and I want to connect 2 SPIs to this board and then transmit the data(which has been receives by SPIs) to the computer via USB2. Would you please help me and tell me where to start?I have some codes for the SPI part witg use of DMA, but I don't know how to start working with the USB part. I don't know how to generate a ''Hello world'' code for USB connection. It would be nice of you if you tell me what to do.Thanks is advanceAva2016-02-13 10:54 AM
Please don't reanimate 5 year old threads, start a new one even if you are on-topic, and refer to the old one if it has any salient content.
Do you plan on using the SPL (Standard Peripheral Library)? By USB2.0 do you mean USB-HS (480Mbps), if so you might want to look at a DISCO board that supports that over USB-FS (12Mbps)