2013-10-14 1:35 AM
I have a question I'm hoping someone might be able to answer for me: I have a STM32F4 Discovery board which has USB OTG FS and USB OTG HS. All I want to do is connect up a simple USB A connector for reading a memory stick. Should I be able to make use of the FS DM and DP pins for the connector?
2013-10-14 2:28 AM
I guess what I'm actually asking is: Do I need OTG to make my MCU a USB host?
2013-10-14 4:49 AM
The STM32F4-Discovery board can read MSC devices via a small converter cable attached to the MicroAB connector CN5. Example code is in the library for the ''Firmware Update'' example which demos IAP via a Flash Drive.
2013-10-14 6:47 AM
Thanks Clive! Do you have a link for the firmware?
2013-10-14 7:05 AM
It's in the standard STM32F4-Discovery Firmware Library